Who We Are?

Our Philisophy

At TradeTrends24, we believe that financial literacy is a superpower. It’s not about flashy Lamborghinis or Wall Street clichés. It’s about understanding compound interest, diversification, and risk management. It’s about demystifying jargon and empowering you to take charge of your wealth.


So, whether you’re a seasoned trader, a budding investor, or someone who thinks a stock market is where you buy soup, welcome aboard! Let’s navigate the choppy seas together, armed with knowledge, curiosity, and a dash of humor.

Remember, the best investment you can make is in yourself. And we’re here to be your co-pilots on this exhilarating flight toward financial enlightenment.

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Meet the Minds Behind the Blog

Yanis – Chief Financial Explorer

As the captain of this financial ship, I bring a wealth of experience. My journey began at Ulster University, where I immersed myself in the intricacies of international business. Armed with a master’s degree, I ventured into the corporate world, analyzing balance sheets, deciphering market trends, and sipping coffee in boardrooms.

But numbers alone couldn’t satisfy my hunger. I craved the thrill of the trading floor, the adrenaline rush of spotting undervalued gems, and the satisfaction of helping others build their financial futures. And so, TradeTrends24 was born—a place where theory meets practice, where data dances with intuition.

Our Core Values

We’re not here to sell you magic formulas or promise overnight riches. Instead, we offer:

Why We Do What We Do
Because we’ve been there. We’ve celebrated gains and weathered losses. We’ve crunched numbers late into the night and debated the merits of value investing versus growth. And through it all, we’ve realized that financial freedom isn’t a destination—it’s a journey.